Akers, Lindsay
School Psychologist, Ext. 532408 (Grades 2-4)
Applebee, Jill
EMIS Coordinator/Student Enrollment, Ext. 532001
Arnold, Maryanne
Speech & Language Pathologist, Ext. 532321
Ball, Hallie
Language Arts Teacher, Ext. 532136
Barnhart, Angie
Family & Consumer Science Teacher, Ext. 532108
Begert, Don
Masonry Teacher, Ext. 532169
Bissler, Kristen
Math Teacher, Ext. 532156
Boezi, James
Band Director, Ext. 532148
Boyer, Emily
Math Teacher, ext. 532154
Braman, Jacquelyn
Science Teacher, Ext. 532133
Brewer, Abigail
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532433
Bryan, Jason
Social Studies Teacher, Ext. 532120
Bryant, Laury
Administrative Assistant Main Office, Ext. 532103
Carpenter, Jobeth
Math Teacher, Ext. 532134
Carpenter, Todd
Interim Treasurer, Ext. 532000
Cascaldo, Leah
Business Teacher & Yearbook Advisor, Ext. 532173
Casper, Jennifer
Choir Teacher, Ext. 532147
Cercek, James
Science Teacher, Ext. 532110
Christoff, Shelly
Science Teacher, Ext. 532150
Collier, Richard
Science Teacher, Ext. 532131
Conger, Molly
Student Services Admin. Assist., Ext. 532014
Cully, Ryan
Science Teacher, Ext. 532195
Dakes, Marla
Administrative Assistant Guidance, Ext. 532126
Dixon, Pam
Assistant Treasurer, Ext. 532003
Dobbins, Travis
Director of Athletics & Support Services, Ext. 532115
Druckenbrod, Sheri
Social Studies Teacher, Ext. 532155
Eader, Sharon
Administrative Assistant Athletics Office, Ext. 532160
Ebner, Tricia
Gifted Coordinator, Ext. 532010
Fahringer, Emily
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532469
Felix, Mallory
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532312
Fritz, Lezly
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532464
Gaines, Seth
School Psychologist & Performing Arts Center Manager, Ext. 532143
Gemind, Pauletta
Transportation Supervisor, Ext. 532017
Genis, Jason
Physical Conditioning Teacher, Ext. 531113
Gibson, Adam
Social Studies Teacher, Ext. 532146
Goodwill, Katie
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532613
Gray, Jennifer
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532654
Hackenberg, Tammy
Intervention Specialist Teacher, Ext. 532175
Hallock, Kim
Asst. Principal, Ext. 532401
Hanson, Katie
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532427
Hardy, Elizabeth
Administrative Assistant Attendance, Ext. 532176
Hooper, Kelly
Intervention Specialist Teacher, Ext. 532124
Horst, Amy
Spanish Teacher, Ext. 532112
Horton, Terri
Director of Student Services, Ext. 532013
Howerton, Robert
Assistant Principal, Ext. 532101
Johnston, Brittany
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532613
Kruger, Glen
Social Studies Teacher, Ext. 532142
Lee, Michaela
Math Teacher, Ext. 532113
Lowe, Katie
Speech & Language Pathologist, Ext. 532405
McBride, James
Language Arts Teacher, Ext. 532140
McDonnell, Jackie
Guidance Counselor, Ext. 532605
McLaughlin, Holly
Speech/Language Pathologist, Ext. 532653
Meyer, Tricia
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532665
Miller, Brian
Health/Phys. Ed. Teacher, Ext. 532161
Moats, Teri
Intervention Specialist Teacher, Ext. 532129
Mohseninia, Jacqueline
Language Arts Teacher, Ext. 532145
Moore, Allegra
Language Arts Teacher, Ext. 532141
Olivieri, Amy
Curriculum Director, ext.532011
Osborne, Kelly
Superintendent Admin. Assist., Ext.532009
Pacifico, Tyler
Math Teacher, Ext. 532132
Palmer, Lynette
Accounts payable, ext.532005
Paquay, Seth
School Counselor, Ext. 532127
Parks, Jennifer
Transportation Secretary, Ext.532018
Pearson, Katlyn
Intervention Specialist, Ext.532465
Pilasky, Lillian
Spanish Teacher, Ext. 532144
Pletcher, Tricia
Teacher Academy Teacher, Ext. 532151
Reedstrom, Lindsey
Speech/Language Pathologist, Ext. 532461
Reinhardt, Stephen
Language Arts Teacher, Ext. 532138
Richter, Katie
School Psychologist, Ext. 532319 (NPS & NES, Grade 1)
Ruff, Darla
F.I.R.S.T. Teacher, Ext. 532158
Rutherford, Amanda
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532316
Saurer, Megan
Math Teacher, Ext. 532194
Simmerman, Melanie
Business Teacher, Ext. 532107
Skaggs, Jaret
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532153
Smith, Carina
Curriculum & Technology Admin. Assist., Ext. 532030
Snyder-Lee, Julie
Science Teacher, Ext. 532121
Stambaugh, Kristin
Asst. Principal, Ext. 532601
Steiner, Jonathan
Network Administrator, Ext. 532021
Stemberger, Sarah
Treasurer Secretary., Ext.532002
Taylor, Marly
School Counselor, Ext.532407
Tessmer, Mariah
School Psychologist, Ext. 532658
Tomic, Brett
Desktop Support Specialist, Ext. 532024
Wagler, Angie
Technology Coordinator, Ext. 532020
Ward, Susan
Athletic Health Science Teacher, Ext. 532118
Weaver, Kate
School Counselor, Ext. 532466
Weber, Dave
Social Studies Teacher, Ext. 532137
Williams, Jessica
Guidance Counselor (A-K), Ext. 532128
Yokum, Michael
Intervention Specialist, Ext. 532618